Tuesday, August 29, 2006

well month Three was a waste of time ...

well maybe not . I feel I am learning more each month thought I would rather be pregnant already . take it from this that I am not pregnant yet and starting to feel like I never will be.
I am determined to have the best effort yet this month , my cycle is being screwy with me so I am prempting that as long as S&E are in agreement. they are away at the moment so I can't discuss my plans with them until they get back and its only fair that i discuss it with them first so you will have to wait a while before i let you in on the plans.

I am so sick of not being pregnant , I want to be so badly, I hate the insems they are just so uncomfortable , not that its something i can't bear and it doesn't make me gag like it does some otehr surrogates i just have to not think about it.

I want to get the first surrogacy done so I can work out if I want or feel I can do another ( there really are so many people I want to help its scary) , and to be totally honest I am so fed up of being celbate its not funny I am so close to marching my husband to the dr's for a vasectomy that he is starting to avoid me LOL.

everyone seems to think that surrogacy is a wonderful giving thing that surrogates do and think we must be angles but beleive me you can probably see it coming I'm not . I am going to whine and moan ( and occasionally be the happiest person alive) my way through this experience and hopefully make everyone see that being a surrogate is bloody hard work and most definatly not a means to make easy cash as so many people feel it is.

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