Monday, October 16, 2006

not this month

I am really starting to think there is something wrong with me , why can't I get pregnant I have manged it easily enough 4 times before ??? you ca\n take form this tht yet another month has failed that leaves it to month 6 to be magical .

I am really getting fed up now, Insems are so stressful just because of the whole timing thing . leaves insems happening at around 7pm right at my sons bedtime when all the kids are around. I am really begining to think if my ip's don''t start trying to make this easier for me i am going to have to stop after next month . . I don't think they realize that this is stressful for me too and that maybe why we aren't getting pregnant .

never again will I work with carless IP's .

ona slightly different note we weere doing the old wives tail thing with the string and needle to see how many children I'm going to have. for anyone that doesn't know it . you hold a needle on a peice of string over your palm after rubbing it on the side of your hand and if it goes in a ircle its a girl and a stright line its a boy when it stops thats it no more children for you. well it got all my 4 right then went on to say I'd have a nother girl , then boy then girl .

we did it on steve agin up to date its right then says he's having another boy , so maybe theres another one to come in our family or the unthinkable will happen and he'll have one with someone else LOL

I know its just an old wives tale but its just a bit of fun and we need to do something to maintain the hope.

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