Saturday, July 22, 2006

Reality Check

I received some bad news today which has made me really stop and think.

One of our experience surrogates who was nearly 6 weeks pregnant has lost the baby . My heart goes out to hear and her IP's.

It has made me realize though that in the world of surrogacy we announce our much wanted and waited for pregnancies as soon as we get that + result without any thought as to if its a good idea or not . We are so caught up in fulfilling dreams that we don't spare any thought for what may go wrong .

I am in no means saying that these people have done anything wrong , Pregnancy is a very exciting time in normal circumstances but when its has been very much waited for , and is the last chance you have to be a parent I know you would feel like shouting it from the rooftops with a megaphone and there is nothing wrong with feeling like that so to tell the friends who have been there with you and understand your excitement is perfectly normal .

It has just made me aware that these pregnancies may be miracles but they are no different to normal pregancies and carry the same risks.

if you have a moment can you please spare a thought for these wonderful people who came so close to having there dreams become a reality only to loose it. And for the surrogate who had to break such terrible news to such wonderful friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Come here from your UKS link. What a fantastic thing you are doing. I have my fingers crossed for you all.
