Saturday, December 09, 2006

wow its been a while

My month off was great I had a fantastic trip to see my brother well worth waiting all my life for:)

Insems happened two weeks ago and went fantasticly, I was so realxed and it so happened that S&E were visiting at ovulation time . it was really relaxed and we had a great time together over the two days that we did insems , the third day we went to visit them but I forgot the insem kit we didn't bother and just had a great evening together instead.

and so that was nearly two weeks ago , I was lured into boots thursday and bought some tests but alas it was negative .

But not so when I tested today !!!!!! I am pregnant !!!!!!!!!!

S&E were visiting for the day so I gave them the test as soon as they arrived and they were in a state of shock for a good few hours , It was amazing and I feel so honoured to be telling these wonderful people that I am making their dreams come true . off course we bought some more test's so I will be testing again and again over the coming days but I don't expect the result to change .

If all goes acording to plan I will be a bit busy during august:)

1 comment:

Jo said...

Oh my goodness I honestly squealed out loud when I read you got a positive!!!! You are so amazing (even more so than when I met you years ago) and I know from your blog that this has been very hard on you because of how badly you want to be a surrogate. Congratulations to you and the parents! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy