Friday, April 13, 2007

just to let you all know where we are at

we'll insems happened 16 days ago and as of today my period is officially late which would be great news but as I have now taken 4 pregnancy tests and each and every one of them has been negative I am just looking at it as a pain in the behind . My period is never late - I am lucky enough to be one of these if its not here by lunchtime on the day its due its late women , so I am really not sure what is happening with me. I guess only time will tell but its a pain when if I'm not pregnant all I want to do is start planning the next set of insems.

In other news it has become apparent to us all that things are taking a bit longer to happen than we were hoping so we are starting to think about the next step and for us that could be IUI . basically insems at a clinic , they monitor ovulation and put his boys right into the cervix rather than just outside so that may give us a better chance of success. I am up for anything right now . I just wish this stupid body of mine would behave itself .

so this is me signing off I'll let you know more as and when I have any news , or even if I just want to get anything off my chest because this thing is beginning to bug me , I sometimes wish I would have stuck to host - were you all aware I came into surrogacy wanting to do host but got my head around straight and realized life would be easier without artificial hormones LOL

anyway thanks for reading
Jane - surrogate mum to be hopefully someday before I die

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