Monday, June 25, 2007

6 weeks

well 6 weeks and 1 day to be exact.

we went to a lovely SUK social yesterday at one of the members homes in ross on wye, and even though the rest of the country seemed to have torrential rain we had a lovely day , a few small showers nothing heavy enough to send everyone rushing inside , get the kids of the trampoline or even stop the barbecue.

It was great to see everyone for the first time since our + it was great to see some of the other expectant IP's and surros, by far the best thing about being a pregnant surro is the hope you give to Ip' s who have yet to find a surrogate or get pregnant, and we are defiantly an example of determination gets you there in the end .

I was put on a bit of a downer at the end of the day though when I received a text from my little sister telling me that she didn't agree with surrogacy but hopes it turns out ok.

I actually reacted really badly , why couldn't she mention her concerns to me to my face some time over the past 2 years why do it by text ,and to be honest telling a pregnant woman that you think their pregnancy is wrong is just wrong , it doesn't matter that its not my baby and I have no intention of keeping it it still shouldn't have been said .

there is something about surrogacy that makes everyone think they can voice their opinions without censure. and more often than not the ip's are sympathized with as they have fertility problems , the surro's partner is sympathized with for going along with it, and the surrogate is demonized , the person making the greatest sacrifice , giving something that it takes a lot of strength to give is the bad guy in all this and it sucks big time.

so basically i told her its wasn't any of her business and if she couldn't say anything nice don't say anything .

I later texted her to say sorry for being to touchy and that we should chat sometime about her issues, because lets face it their not my issues and she doesn't have to agree with it or think what i am doing is right but I would really appreciate it if she could keep her negative comments to herself and not pass on her close minded views to anyone else.

1 comment:

Jo said...

I am so very happy for you and the IP's!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you and I know I've said it before but I just want you to know that I think you are absolutely amazing.