Friday, June 08, 2007

day 12 .....

and its still positive , and more positive that it was on day 10 or 11 :) yes I am spending a fortune of pregnancy tests but I just want to make sure all is still well.

see I have this theory that last time there was something not right from the very beginning , I didn't get a + on day 10 , only got a very faint + on day 13 . then when i tested on day 15 it was with the digital test so i couldn't see if the line was lighter or darker , if it had been a normal test it may have been faint and given us some clue that everything wasn't right and we could have been slightly more cautious about getting excited.

that said this time the line is already darker than it was with the last + so I have no reason to think anything will go wrong this time . I am still just a little nervous though there are no guarantees with this pregnancy lark are there .

that said i am starting to feel pg ,I have been exhausted, My boobs have a mind of their own , and I just feel a little off colour , I wouldn't say sickness or even iffy just not quiet 100%.

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